Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Czary Goodness!

Yesterday, Senator Feingold (hardly a Right Wing Idealogue) called for Senate Hearings on the Administration's use of Czars.  This was promptly dismissed by the White House and they ignored the Senator's request.

If and when hearings on Czars are ever held, it might be advisable to ask the White House exactly what their vetting process is.  For example, let us look at the case of Kevin Jennings.  I wonder if he disclosed any of the following issues when he applied for "Safe School Czar".

  1. Advised a child to use a condom when being raped by an adult man, and then failed to report the incident.
  2. Wrote the forward to "Queering Elementary Education" (which by the way was endorsed by Domestic Terrorist and Obama Pal Bill Ayers).  This book is chocked full of such educational goodies as the following quote “Gender is just a bunch of stereotypes from society, but I am completely personal, and my gender is fluid.”
  3. Founder of GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network)
  4. On record as opposing the Boy Scouts in Public School, but was executive director of GSLEN and defended the organizations teaching of "Fisting" to children as young as 12 in public schools.  Boy Scouts BAD, Fisting GOOD.
  5. Considered Harry Hay a mentor and actively lauded his work.  Harry Hay was active in NAMBLA (North American Association for Man Boy Love Association) which works to legalize sex between young boys and adult men. 
Does it not seem ill advised to have a person so associated with pedophilia and an activist Gay Educational agenda to be in charge of "Safe Schools"?


    Anonymous said...

    Even after acknowledging it's false, CNN and Fox News continue to push smear of Jennings
    4 hours and 30 minutes ago — 16 Comments

    CNN's Lou Dobbs and Fox News' Brian Wilson and Sean Hannity ignored their own networks' past reporting and continued to forward the discredited smear that, while working as a teacher in 1988, Department of Education official Kevin Jennings failed to report an underage student's involvement with an older man. Dobbs claimed that "Jennings admit[ed] to failing to report a sexual matter involving a minor," and Wilson claimed that Jennings admitted that "he failed to alert authorities when a 15-year-old boy told him he was involved in a sexual relationship with an older man," even though both and CNN have acknowledged that the student was of legal age -- 16 years old -- at the time.

    Glenn said...


    Anonymous said...

    They try to start them real young these days, don't they?

    Paul Lynde said...

    Anonymous said...

    So Anonymous, I guess I would put you in the "Pro Fisting Anti-Cub Scout" camp.

    Anonymous said...

    It must be very sad and troubling for you to somehow try and whitewash this nutjob.


    Boy Scouts Bad?



    I bet if it was Father Jennings and not Czar Jennings you would not be so forgiving.

    Anonymous said...

    Show me the quote about fisting! What page - where is it cited?

    I don't trust stuff on the internet second hand from FOX news and folks like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, both known perverts.

    Anonymous said...

    Just Google "fistgate" and pick one of the 21,600 hits that come back to choose from.

    Ray Bonis said...

    South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut is a feature length movie based on the animated series, South Park. Prior to its release in 1999, the movie's creators - Matt Stone and Trey Parker - were asked repeatedly by the MPAA to alter the film in order for it to gain an R rating rather than an NC-17. Below is a memo sent by Stone to the MPAA, in response to such a request.


    Here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA. I wanted to tell you exactly what notes we did and did not address.

    1. We left in both the "fisting" and the "rimjob" references in the counselor's office scene. We did cut the word "hole" from "asshole" as per our conversation.

    2. We took out the entire "God has fucked me in the ass so many times..." It is gone.

    3. Although it is not animated yet, we put a new storyboard in for clarification in the scene with Saddam Hussein's penis. The intent now is that you never see Saddam's real penis, he in fact is using dildos both times.

    4. We have the shot animated that reveals the fact that Winona is not shooting ping-pong balls from her vagina. She is, in fact, hitting the balls with a ping-pong paddle.

    5. We took out the only reference to "cum-sucking ass" in the film. It was in the counselor's office and we took it out.

    6. We left in the scenes with Cartman's mom and the horse as per our conversation. This is the one joke we really want to fight for.

    Call with any questions


    P.S. This is my favorite memo ever.


    - I went to see this film with a friend and he laughed his ass off during and after the film.

    Another film he liked was Boogie Nights - and his favorite quote from that: Floyd Gondolli: I like simple pleasures, like butter in my ass, lollipops in my mouth. That's just me.

    Anonymous said...

    Would you let this guy near your children?

    Anonymous said...

    Only if he wore a condom.