Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What would Curtis Lemay Do?

Its at times like this that our troubled nation must turn to its heroes of the past and ask, WWCLD (What would Curtis Lemay do?)

Through the magic of Technology, and despite the fact that General Lemay has been dead for almost 20 years, I have scored a coup and convinced the great General to sit down with me for an interview over the situation in Iran.

Below is a transcript of my interview:

Paul C:  General, I am so glad you could join me this evening.  Given the trouble we are having with our enemies on the verge of developing nuclear weapons, an anxious nation turns to you and asks what you would do in this situation.

General Lemay:  Thanks for having me here Paul, and great blog by the way.  That post on President Rainbow Brite Sparkles Snuggle Pony had me, Mcarthur, Patton and Eisenhower HOWLING at the  great officers club in the sky.  But I digress...

So, are the Nips acting up again?  Bill, fire up the B27s!!!

Paul C:  No General, it's not the Japanese this time.  It's the Iranians.  They are trying to develop nuclear weapons, have fired off some long range rockets, and appear to be dead set on moving ahead on going nuclear, threatening Israel and becoming a Hegemon in the Middle East.

General Lemay:  Oh!  Bill, Kill that request!  Well, hmmmm, seems like we have an interesting situation here.  Now, according to what I have learned, we roughly know where these weapons are being developed right?

Paul C:  Right.

General Lemay:  Well Paul, I would get Akmawhatever, Bill, what is that Falfafel Vendor in the Member's Only Jacket's name? 

Bill (offstage) :  Ahmadinejad

General Lemay:   Whatever.  I would tell Haji that he has 48 hours to destroy those sites and another 48 hours to let our inspectors in, or else.

Paul C:  Or else what?

General Lemay:  Or else we launch a tit-load of bunker busters on those sites so that those "mountains" can be scaled with a step ladder.  Then if he doesn't let our inspectors in we will move to phase 2.

Paul C:  What is Phase 2

General Lemay:   Phase 2 would be the systematic destruction of their entire military infrastructure through smart bombs.  Hell son, the bombs you got today are LIGHT years better than what we had.  Jesus Christ Mary and Joseph, if I had these weapons, I could have whipped the Nips in a weekend.

Paul C:  What if they still don't let in the inspectors.

General Lemay:  Damn boy, if they didn't like Phase 2, they are going to HATE phase 3.  Phase 3 would be the total eradication of their entire industrial infrastructure (plants, factories) etc.

Paul C:  How many phases would you go?  How would this end?

General Lemay:  Oh, it would end... Trust me, it would end.  Phase 4 would be the destruction of all power plants and water treatment facilities.  Still, we would be careful to limit casualities as much as possible, but we wouldn't use nuclear weapons.  As I said before  " I think there are many times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons. However, the public opinion in this country and throughout the world throw up their hands in horror when you mention nuclear weapons, just because of the propaganda that's been fed to them. "  actual Curtis Lemay quote

Paul C:  Is there a phase 5?

General Lemay:  Ever heard of Saturation Carpet Bombing?

Paul C:  They still might not give in.  They still might not allow in inspectors.  Would you then suggest we invade on land?

General Lemay:  Boy, you aint too bright are you?  After the complete leveling of the entire infrastructure of their country, I think they are going to be more worried about how to get the water going for the next 20 years and which goat to take to the prom than screwing around with developing nuclear weapons.  We can bomb them back into the stone age without having to resort to that. 

Paul C:  But General, won't that just create more terrorists?  Won't that hand the enemies a propaganda victory?

General Lemay:  Total Bullshit!   As I remember, we destroyed 80% of Japan and German cities and infrastructure, killed millions of their citizens and yet..... are we overrun with Japanese or German Terrorists?

Paul C:  Hmmmmm..... That is an interesting point General.  So, why do you think that is?

General Lemay:  If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting. actual Curtis Lemay quote

Paul C:  Thanks again for coming tonight General.  Our Nation owes you a great debt for your service.

General Lemay:  Keep up the good work Paul, and keep your eyes on those commies.

Guys, Mandals look stupid. Put some shoes on!

Liberal Myth # 4 - Debunked!

FDR pulled us out of the Depression.  We need more FDR style policies to prevent ANOTHER Depression.

Liberal Myth # 3 - Debunked

Our tax code is rigged to benefit only the Rich. We need to make sure the rich pay more taxes, because the little guy is getting screwed by our tax system


Monday, September 28, 2009

Liberal Myth # 2 Debunked

The rich aren't paying enough taxes.  The reason that we have huge deficits is that the tax rate on the wealthy is not high enough.

Liberal Myth # 1 - DEBUNKED!

Government Spending is not high enough.  We need to implement progressive policies like we used to have to bring back balance into the economy.

Czar of the Day - "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings

Holy Crap! This guy should go to Prison, but instead he is in charge of "Safe Schools!!!!". This administration is getting downright Orwellian.

Read the following


Former long-time Acorn Leader now Obama's Political Director

ACORN's Man in the White House
By Matthew Vadum on 9.28.09 @ 6:09AM

Newly discovered evidence shows the radical advocacy group ACORN has a man in the Obama White House.

William Safire - Great American - 1929-2009

He will be missed.

Newport Smokers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly effect is a theory stating, that very very small changes to a system can create huge unforseen and unpleasant consequences. It comes from the allegory of a Butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil causing a hurricane in China.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Charles Manson Vs Babies

When considering Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice and Pro/Anti Death Penalty viewpoints, there are 4 possible positions. Three of these positions make logical (if not always morally defensible) sense, one makes no sense.

Art Break! Monet

What is the deal with George Soros?

What is the deal with George Soros (shown here on left)?

PBS Still promoting ACORN

I.F. Stone - Still Dead, Still Red

I.F. Stone, Soviet Agent—Case Closed
Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes and Alexander Vassiliev
May 2009

Progressives, Your Red Roots are showing!

The term "Progressive" keeps being tossed around these days as a badge of honor on the left. They hate being labeled as liberal, as that term has now been thoroughly rejected by the American People, and they think that progressive is less threatening and more positive sounding.

I think if the true roots of the Progressive movement are finally exposed, rational Americans will FLEE in droves. Consider the case of Henry Wallace, the highest ranking (until the election of Barack Obama) progressive ever to hold office in the United States. It is truly shocking to consider how close the communists got to having one of their own in the White House. Below is a very interesting article on the history of Henry Wallace from National Review.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Freedom of Religion

First Ammendment of the Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


The man who should have been President, gives the speech that the President should have given at the UN

Riot or Demonstration

In the past 2 weeks, we have had two demonstrations that have made news. Below are pictures from the march on Washington on 9/12 and the recent demonstrations in Pittsburgh protesting the G20. Guess which group was called an evil mongering mob by the media.

Guess how many Starbucks were bombed by the Tea Party Protest in Washington?....... ZERO

Czar of the day - Cass Sunstein

Cass Sunstein Animal Rights
September 9, 2009
Obama Administration is getting some high criticism now a days and the latest news made by Cass Sunstein who is a candidate of Obama Administration seeking for votes to win a seat in Senate. Cass Sunstein is known for his extensive work to protect animal rights in the United States of America. But more recently, Cass Sunstein has been making news for giving some wired comments.According to Opposing Views, Cass Sunstein is making some ‘kooky’ comments about animal rights. Cass Sunstein’s passion for animal rights has gone a little too far, we guess.
Reportedly, Cass Sunstein has been speaking to Harvard Audience about putting a ban on animal hunting. He has also mentioned in his book ‘The rights of Animals: A very Short Primer’, he has said that the government of United States of America needs to protect animal from being hunted by banning any gun-hunting of animals just like European countries. But what is this making Cass Sunstein appear in the headlines?
Apparently, in Cass Sunstein’s world animals should have right like humans and if a human is found guilty of hurting or harming an animal, it can sue that person. In Cass Sunstein’s opinion, animals should have right to file a suit against their human killers in the courts “a little too far don’t you think?”
Cass Sunstein is appearing in elections as a candidate for Regulatory Czar in the Senate. If elected, Cass Sunstein would have the authority to change the regulations related to hunting, farming, and gun control with intention to protect animal rights.
As a postscript to this article, Cass Sunstein was confirmed by the Senate and is now the new Regulatory Czar.

President Rainbow Brite Sparkle Snuggle Pony chairs UN Security Council

President Obama (aka President Rainbow Brite Sparkle Snuggle Pony) addressed the UN Security Council yesterday on the very very imporant issue of Nuclear Weapons.
To summarize, her main bullet points are listed below:
1. Nuclear weapons are very very scary and bad, and we should not have them. We will get rid of ours first and then you guys won't be so scared and won't make any more.
2. We wuv kittens and ice cream!
3. Iran, don't be hatin
Don't you feel safer now?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

You have to get them when they are young

This is interesting:
Below is a clip from a Time Magazine article from 1973 entitled China: Down on the farm with Marx and Mao
"Students are indoctrinated with the prevailing government positions, for example, on who is or is not imperialist (the Russians are currently regarded as more imperialist than the U.S.). A kind of group therapy is offered in "struggle-criticism" and "transformation sessions," in which specific actions by participants are critically examined and corrected. "
Now compare that description of the Communist Chinese educational system with the following clips, both of which are taking place right now in government schools all over America:
The story of Stuff: Now being shown to classrooms all over America and presented by the Tides organization (a sister organization to ACORN)
And this was filmed in a classroom where children are being trained to hail their new leader
Getting kind of creepy don't you think?

MIchael Moore excretes out new movie

Michael Moore, shown here on left, emerged from his deep cave lair and on cue, excreted out another movie this week, the laughably titled "Capitalism - A Love Story".
Keeping in tradition with his juvenile stunts and dubious "theories" over the years, from what I have read his latest excresence can be summarized below:
1. Mean people suck
2. People with more things than other people suck
3. The problem with America is that it is not all unionized
4. If only we had Cuba's system, we would be successful
Mr. Moore, not to ever be encumbered by such mundane items such as "facts" seemingly has ignored 99% of all material progress made in the last 5 centuries by attacking the one system that has actually raised more people out of grinding poverty than any other system ever conceived of.
This time however, his antics appear to have gone too far, and moved from beyond "edgey" straight to tedious. Caan, long noted for embracing all that is wrongheaded and anti-progress failed to award this festering slug for his "work". Perhaps it is time for Mr. Moore to slither back into whatever slime-hole he resides in and go into hibernation until the next batch of College Freshman can go to his tedious movies and comment on their "insightfullness".
Slime on Michael, slime on.

The New NEA (National Endowment for the Arts)

Buffy Wicks (shown here on left) is caught on tape announcing new policies for the NEA. By the way, all of what is said on tape is a direct violation of the Hatch Act which prohibits Government workers from actively engaging in partisan activities, but heh, what does "law" mean now anyway. We are the change we have been waiting for.
The following link is to the audio clip. Very "non-partisan".

Seen this movie before

You have to hand it to the President, he understands timing. On the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Poland, President Obama announced the scrapping of missle defense in Poland and the Czech Republic.
I cannot fathom what our foreign policy is now. Is the President actively aiding and abetting our enemies? It is hard to follow.
The day that the IAEA announced that Iran has the capability to create a nuclear bomb, Vice President Plugs says that Iran is not a threat to the United States.
Iran is killing our troops in Afghanistan with smuggled bombs, just like the did in Iraq, stole an election, repress their people, continues to make threatening overtures to Israel and we continue to outreach to them, thus giving them legitimacy.
North Korea takes hostages, attempts to sell missles to Iran and continues to create a menace in the far east and he is rewarded with a Presidential visit from Clinton and direct talks by us.
Russia attempts to dominate Georgia, seizes territory in other countries (see Osetisia), blockades ports, continues to spread its evil influence in the Ukraine, is selling weapons to Iran and is rewarded with our scrapping missle defense in Eastern Europe without having to give up anything in return.
Poland is a stalwart ally throughout the entire Iraq war and is rewarded by being stabbed in the back by our country.
71 years ago another leader, Neville Chamberlain had the idea that unilateral retreat would lead to peace. It took 6 years and approximately 100 million dead to show how stupid that idea was. Weakness invites war, Strength creates peace. I thought we had learned that lesson already, but obviously our President was too busy "organizing communities" and hanging out with "Marxist Professors -(his words from his biography - look it up), than to make time to attend a single History 101 class.
We are going to be paying a big price for this foolishness in the future. Our enemies are probably all laughing their asses off right now at our insane stupidity.

President Obama embarrasses Self, Nation with speech to UN

President Obama (shown here on left) addressed the UN yesterday. Obviously this speech was written by several stoned political science undergrads attending a Free Mumia march but the President humiliated himself by giving in Public. To spare you the embarrassment of having to watch the President of our country grovel and prostrate himself in front of the worlds biggest club of dictatators and criminals, I have summarized his speech below:
1. America was bad, but now that I am President we are good.
2. Israel needs to stop being provocative by trying to protect themselves from peaceful missles being launched from Gaza. Palestinians bombing a kindergarten has the same moral equivalency as Israel settlements building a kingergarten. Both must stop immediately.
3. Now that I, the annointed and almighty one, have been elected to redeem America for his heinous sins, we are most proud of joining the commision on Human Rights. (Currently being led by that forward thinking Nation SUDAN)
4. Can't we all just get along? People need to stop being mean. America has no more significance or importance than Sierra Leon, or maybe Mongolia.
5. Now that I have assumed command of the world, we need to move beyond such old thinking as the "cold war" and think more openly. (I guess Nato is now irrelevant?)
This disgusting and embarrassing speech is almost too insane to parody but I will leave you with the best review I read of the speech by Charles Krauthammer. He said the speech was somewhere between embarrassing and dangerous. I agree, it was dangerously embarrassing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Milton Friedman takes on Socialized Medicine

Again, the more things change the more things stay the same. This video is from 31 years ago and could have been given yesterday. Obviously we have a hard time learning simple truths.


Torture and other delightful subjects!

Now that the Obama administration has defined pouring water on the faces of terrorists torture, as well as "threatening" them with harm while not actually doing it forbidden, I was getting worried that our security was going to be threatened.

I am glad that the Homeland Security department has released this new video showing the methods that they have approved for enhanced interrogation. I feel much better now.


John McCain calls it Right for once!


Ronald Reagan - A Time for Choosing 1964

It is shocking to listen to this speech, and to realize how much of what Reagan said then is still true. The numbers are higher now due to natural inflation, but the same forces ruining the country then is the same crowd ruining it now, only faster.


Wolf Blitzer - Dumbest anchorman in America


It's official, Acorn is Toast

Once you show up on Jay Leno, it is all over. Lay back and watch and enjoy.


Sealion of the Senate dies

Although a few weeks have passed since the death of Senator Kennedy, his canonization continues unabated in the mainstream media. As a sense of balance, I suggest we consider the following other "accomplishments" of Senator Kennedy in his long career:

Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House, Extra from Soundgarten's 1994 Video "Black Hole Sun"

Compare and Contrast

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Little Furry Communists

Here is an interesting phenomenon I have discovered. Maybe someone has an answer to this question but why are most communists very very very short and tend to be furry. Below are some notable examples:

Paul Krugman: The world's tiniest Nobel Prize winning economist while also being almost completely wrong on everything he ever says. Paul Krugman is constantly snarky, shifty and also little furry communist .
Most ridiculous idea he has ever written: "Income disparity, despite material prosperity that the poor may enjoy, may actually shorten the poor's life". By this he means to say that even if you have all of your needs met, if someone has more stuff than you do, you will die earlier. Little, furry, communist!

Robert Reich: First Midget cabinet secretary, most infested looking beard on television, embarrassing buttboy for the Clinton adminstration, and also a little furry communist. He has written and said so many ridiculous things there would be too many to list, but the latest one where he hopes the stimulus bill doesn't just go to well trained white people, has to be in the top 10 hits of stupidity. Reich is a good bellweather for knowing exactly what NOT to think. Little, furry, communist!

What is the connection to midget squirrel like men ALSO being communists? Is it the fact that they are short that drives them to adopt a collectivist idealogy? Is it the fuzziness on their face that drives them to want to control others lives? Or is it just the rodent like features that manifest themselves on their person, that give hint to the rat-like personality traits that inhabit their soul?
Discuss amongst yourselves. There must be a squirrel communist link.

The Ugly Ugly Truth

Welcome to my new blog! After years of my right wing ravings sent through the relatively low tech world of emails to various friends (who all must be very tired of it by now), I have joined the chorus of the mostly uninformed and increasingly hysterical voices now clogging up the internet with their drivel.

It is my mission that this blog be 95% Rant, Hopefully 100% entertaining, at least 75% rabid but 0% drivel.

And now on to blogging!

Paul C.