Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Liberal Myth #5 - Debunked

Part of the argument for health care "reform" is that those big old evil insurance companies keep denying honest hardworking American's medical claims.

Once again, the ugly ugly truth is far different than what you are being led to believe.  Below is a chart showing the claim denial rate by insurer.  Guess who is the worst?



Ray Bonis said...

Maybe Medicare denies so many claims because it insures so many more people (45 million). What KIND of claims does it deny?

Where did you get the graph?

I question your numbers!

Anonymous said...

You would think that if they insure MORE than the percent they deny would be LOWER

Ray Bonis said...

Not really - they insure a lot of old people (that's ALL they do) and we can see on TV the commercials that try to sell old people things they really don't need PLUS Medicare works through a lot of individual private plans and many of the things are first denied by the private insurers and then appealed by patients to regular Medicare and then approved by Medicare. I found out where Paul got the graph and its from a report by the AMA. There's more to these numbers than shown on the graph.

We need ONE health plan, just like France! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the plan in France, that is based on the plan in Cuba, where Castro had to go to Spain in 2006 to get real medical care?
Yes, we need that one...

Anonymous said...

So that's the face of "Medicare Reform". Where's my fire hardened, sharpened stake?

Anonymous said...

When you are losing the argument, rail against the arithmatic.