Friday, October 9, 2009

General McCrystal versus General Biden

Recently, President Obama has received a request for more troops from his hand-picked commander in Afghanistan, General McCrystal.  Although the request was received over a month ago, President Obama has yet to make a decision on the strategy.  Sources say that he is weighing his options, and that the leader of the opposition to General McCrystal is Vice Presiden Joe Biden.  Let us compare the records of the two men, and see who is most qualified to give the President advice on this very important matter.

General Stanley McCrystal

  1. Commander of Joint Special Operation Command

  2. His group  under his command killed Zarqawi, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq

  3. Acknowledged world-wide expert on 'counter-insurgency" strategy, which HE says won't work in Afghanistan but General Biden says will

  4. Commander of our forces in Afghanistan

  5. Fought in Operation Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom

  6. Awarded Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star

  7. Highest ranking military officer in the army to personally engage in direct combat missions

Vice President Joe Biden - Supposedly, Joe Biden in his 35 years of experience in the Senate and on the Senate Foreign Relations committee is an "expert" on Foreign Policy and thus is well qualified to advise the President on his Afghanistan Policy.  Despite being a plagiarist and an national joke, let's look at some of Joe's foreign policy decisions over his long Senate career.

  1. For Nuclear Freeze under Reagan's buildup against the Soviet Union - Judgement of History - WRONG
  2. Against the first Gulf War - Judgement of History - WRONG
  3. For the Second Gulf War - Judgement of History - WRONG (he would have gotten it right, but he later said he was wrong for supporting the Iraq War)
  4. Against the surge in Iraq - Judgement of History - WRONG
  5. For breaking up Iraq along Ethnic Lines - Judgement of History - WRONG
  6. Claimed he was shot at in Green Zone in 2007 - Judgement of History - LIE AND WRONG
  7. In October 2001, right after 9/11, said we should immediately send $200 million dollars to Iran to show them that our intentions are noble - Judgement of History - WRONG (and crazy)
  8. Claimed in 2007 that Iran was NOT trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons - Judgement of History - WRONG
  9. Said Saddam Hussein WAS trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons in 1998 - Judgement of History - WRONG (funny how he manages to ALWAYS be wrong)
  10. Voted to defund Vietnam War in early 70's - Judgement of History - WRONG
  11. Voted to cripple CIA in 1978 which eventually led to poor intelligence on Iraq AND 9/11 - Judgement of History - WRONG
  12. Opposed Reagan's anti-communist activities in Nicaraqua, El Salvador and Angola - Judgement of History - WRONG
  13. Originally opposed and tried to weaken Patriot Act (which ironically President Obama is now trying to keep) - Judgement of History - WRONG
  14. One of 22 Senators (Obama was another one) who opposed declaring Iranian Revolutionary Guards a Terrorist Organization - Judgement of History - WRONG
Let's hope the President has the good sense to listen to the RIGHT man instead of the one who is, while not engaged in something that is embarrassing himself and his nation, ALWAYS WRONG ON EVERYTHING.


Anonymous said...

The history of our country shows that when we listen to our top military men, we get possitive results. Those examples are the Revolutionary war, the War of 1812, the Mexican American War, The Civil War, the Spanish American War, WWI and WWII. Since the polititians have taken over the wars, we have very little to show for the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the first Iraq war, and it seams that after Bush made a victory of the second Iraqi War, Obama is going to botch the Afgan war. The only true successed we have had in the past 50 years have been over before the polititians had a chance to meddle in them, like in The Dominican Republic in 1964, Grenada and Panama.
Moral of the story: Leave military affairs to the military and keep the polititians out of them.

Ray Bonis said...

I know someone who runs this blog who agreed with Biden on this one at the time:

For breaking up Iraq along Ethnic Lines - Judgement of History - WRONG

Anonymous said...

Yes I did, and we were BOTH wrong

Ray Bonis said...

Hey Anonymous, You can't even spell politicians.

If you don't think politics is involved in war decisions, then you are naive.

I do hope Obama keeps the Taliban in its place and can kill or marginalize them - if they take over the country again and women and the rest of Afghanistan are under their crazy religious laws, then Obama and his advisors should be ashamed of themselves. He's in a jam and I'm glad I don't have to make those decisions.

BTW, he won the Nobel Peace Prize today. ha,ha,ha!!!! choke on that you right wing nut jobs!!!!!

Ray Bonis said...

I would revise this if I were you - the correct Judgement of history is as follows:

1. For Nuclear Freeze under Reagan's buildup against the Soviet Union - Judgement of History - Right
2. Against the first Gulf War - Judgement of History - WRONG
3. For the Second Gulf War - Judgement of History - Right.
4. Against the surge in Iraq - Judgement of History - WRONG
5. For breaking up Iraq along Ethnic Lines - Judgement of History - WRONG
6. Claimed he was shot at in Green Zone in 2007 - Judgement of History - The Judgement of history is that it would not care.
7. In October 2001, right after 9/11, said we should immediately send $200 million dollars to Iran to show them that our intentions are noble - Judgement of History - WRONG (and crazy)
8. Claimed in 2007 that Iran was NOT trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons - Judgement of History - You should clarify that one - evidence under the Bush Admin said it had stopped. Both Bush and Biden were wrong.
9. Said Saddam Hussein WAS trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons in 1998 - Judgement of History - Everyone assumed he was - especially the neo-conservative crowd, everyone was wrong, so no need to single him out here.
10. Voted to defund Vietnam War in early 70's - Judgement of History - Correct, the war should have ended in 1968 at the latest.
11. Voted to cripple CIA in 1978 which eventually led to poor intelligence on Iraq AND 9/11 - Judgement of History - IF that reasoning is true, then why didn't the Reagan Administration put the money back??????
12. Opposed Reagan's anti-communist activities in Nicaraqua, El Salvador and Angola - Judgement of History - Dead Right on that and History shows that - this is the clearest case for him being RIGHT.
13. Originally opposed and tried to weaken Patriot Act (which ironically President Obama is now trying to keep) - Judgement of History - Correct - he's just against big gov't snooping in our lives, arn't you?
14. One of 22 Senators (Obama was another one) who opposed declaring Iranian Revolutionary Guards a Terrorist Organization - Judgement of History - History does not give a rat's ass about this because it will not be a historic event. That would be like saying the Judgement of History declares that what I had for lunch today was WRONG - History could care less about what I had for Lunch. And by the way, my lunch is damn good and RIGHT.

Why do you hate America?

Anonymous said...

If you actually believe that we should have pursued a Nuclear Freeze when confronting the Soviets, than you are too naive to have a valid opinion about pretty much anything.

Ray Bonis said...

"If you actually believe that we should have pursued a Nuclear Freeze when confronting the Soviets, than you are too naive to have a valid opinion about pretty much anything."

I love this blog.

Anonymous said...

I think I would go with other president from Ill "the business of war is to important to leave it to generals"

Anonymous said...

you are a mentally sick idiot.

Anonymous said...

And you must be a fake jew...