Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Czary Goodness - Ron Bloom (Manufacturing Czar)

Now with more Mao!

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!  This is getting ridiculous.



Anonymous said...

I never thought we would live to see the day that people can opening praise Mao and be radical communists and serve in government.

The only Kool-Aid being consumed here is from YOU if you do not recognize that this is the most radical dangerous left-wing administration in history.

The Truth hurts.

Ray Bonis said...

Who gives a rat's ass if someone quoted Mao (Gingrich, Reagan, and a few other Republicans have as well). And there are no stupid radical communists serving the Obama Administration. Maybe a bunch of rich liberals with their head in the sky.

You look like a loon with this kind of talk.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between quoting Mao and declaring him to be one of your favorite Political Philosophers and the One I turn to MOST.

There is a BIG BIG BIG difference.

Anonymous said...

Well, there's the 78 million dead Chinese. I would think that they give a rat's ass.

Ray Bonis said...

Beck identifies latest target: White House communications director Anita Dunn

Beck falsely claimed Dunn "worships" Mao Zedong, "her hero." Throughout most of his October 15 Fox News program, Beck falsely claimed that Dunn "worships" and "idolizes" "her hero" Mao Zedong. In fact, in the video that Beck aired as evidence to support his claims, Dunn offered no endorsement of Mao's ideology or atrocities -- rather, she commented that Mao and Mother Teresa were two of her "favorite political philosophers," and based on short quotes from them, she offered the advice that "you don't have to follow other people's choices and paths" or "let external definition define how good you are internally."

Beck ignored numerous conservatives who previously spoke similarly of Mao. In airing footage of Dunn calling Mao and Mother Teresa two of her "favorite political philosophers" and using those comments to falsely link Dunn to the murder of tens of millions of Chinese under Mao's reign, Beck ignored numerous conservatives -- including Barry Goldwater's "alter ego" Stephen C. Shadegg, Cato Institute president Edward H. Crane, and GOP strategist Ralph Reed -- who have approvingly cited the tactics of Mao, Vladimir Lenin, and the Viet Cong, stating that they had used those tactics in their political work, or have otherwise highlighted their philosophies. Moreover, in a 2008 presidential campaign speech, Sen. John McCain stated that "there was a lot of people who said that my political career was not going to succeed. In fact, in the words of Chairman Mao, it's always darkest before it's totally black" [emphasis added]," as The Washington Independent noted.

Marvin said...

How can they give a rat's ass if they're dead?

Anonymous said...

One communist you can explain

Two, maybe a bit worrying, but hey, mistakes were made

But the sheer NUMBER of them now in the Obama administration is staggering, and given the President's prediliction for Marxist Philosophy (his words, not mine) in College, and his very leftist agenda, no "benefit of the doubt" is going to be given these people anymore.

You can spin this crap anyway you want, but facts are stubborn things.