Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Evening with Rudy!

Last night, my wife and I were privileged enough to be invited to a fund raiser for Bob McDonnell for Govenor of Virginia, and also to attend a special reception with the honorable Rudy Giuliani.  Rudy in person was even better than he is on TV.  Rudy says that the first step in taking back America, and resetting the agenda that has gone so far off the rails, is to get Bob McDonnell elected in Virginia and hopefully Chris Christie in New Jersey.

I agree!  Everyone should go out next Tuesday and pull that lever for Bob McDonnell and send a chilling message to every leftist in the country that their days are numbered!  For those in New Jersey, send a message by voting for Chris Christie and for those in the 23rd congressional district of New York, send a message not only to democrats but also republicans by voting for Doug Hoffman!

Rudy also answered questions from the crowd, and I asked him if he was going to run in 2012.  He gave a vague answer and said it would depend on what was happening at the time but did not rule it out!  RUDY 2012!!!!!

It was a great evening of Rudiliciousness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep you "Rudy" coffee mug handy!