Thursday, September 24, 2009

You have to get them when they are young

This is interesting:
Below is a clip from a Time Magazine article from 1973 entitled China: Down on the farm with Marx and Mao
"Students are indoctrinated with the prevailing government positions, for example, on who is or is not imperialist (the Russians are currently regarded as more imperialist than the U.S.). A kind of group therapy is offered in "struggle-criticism" and "transformation sessions," in which specific actions by participants are critically examined and corrected. "
Now compare that description of the Communist Chinese educational system with the following clips, both of which are taking place right now in government schools all over America:
The story of Stuff: Now being shown to classrooms all over America and presented by the Tides organization (a sister organization to ACORN)
And this was filmed in a classroom where children are being trained to hail their new leader
Getting kind of creepy don't you think?


The Pope said...

If you hate this country so much, why don't you leave!

Anonymous said...

The very same brainwashing was tried on me in Cuba under Castro's socialist regime. I Thank God that my parents decided to leave the island and save me from that crap.