Thursday, September 17, 2009

Little Furry Communists

Here is an interesting phenomenon I have discovered. Maybe someone has an answer to this question but why are most communists very very very short and tend to be furry. Below are some notable examples:

Paul Krugman: The world's tiniest Nobel Prize winning economist while also being almost completely wrong on everything he ever says. Paul Krugman is constantly snarky, shifty and also little furry communist .
Most ridiculous idea he has ever written: "Income disparity, despite material prosperity that the poor may enjoy, may actually shorten the poor's life". By this he means to say that even if you have all of your needs met, if someone has more stuff than you do, you will die earlier. Little, furry, communist!

Robert Reich: First Midget cabinet secretary, most infested looking beard on television, embarrassing buttboy for the Clinton adminstration, and also a little furry communist. He has written and said so many ridiculous things there would be too many to list, but the latest one where he hopes the stimulus bill doesn't just go to well trained white people, has to be in the top 10 hits of stupidity. Reich is a good bellweather for knowing exactly what NOT to think. Little, furry, communist!

What is the connection to midget squirrel like men ALSO being communists? Is it the fact that they are short that drives them to adopt a collectivist idealogy? Is it the fuzziness on their face that drives them to want to control others lives? Or is it just the rodent like features that manifest themselves on their person, that give hint to the rat-like personality traits that inhabit their soul?
Discuss amongst yourselves. There must be a squirrel communist link.

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