Thursday, September 24, 2009

MIchael Moore excretes out new movie

Michael Moore, shown here on left, emerged from his deep cave lair and on cue, excreted out another movie this week, the laughably titled "Capitalism - A Love Story".
Keeping in tradition with his juvenile stunts and dubious "theories" over the years, from what I have read his latest excresence can be summarized below:
1. Mean people suck
2. People with more things than other people suck
3. The problem with America is that it is not all unionized
4. If only we had Cuba's system, we would be successful
Mr. Moore, not to ever be encumbered by such mundane items such as "facts" seemingly has ignored 99% of all material progress made in the last 5 centuries by attacking the one system that has actually raised more people out of grinding poverty than any other system ever conceived of.
This time however, his antics appear to have gone too far, and moved from beyond "edgey" straight to tedious. Caan, long noted for embracing all that is wrongheaded and anti-progress failed to award this festering slug for his "work". Perhaps it is time for Mr. Moore to slither back into whatever slime-hole he resides in and go into hibernation until the next batch of College Freshman can go to his tedious movies and comment on their "insightfullness".
Slime on Michael, slime on.


Jehovah said...

Michael has much, much, much more money than you will every have.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how a marxist like him take advantage of capitalism to make a fortune...