Friday, September 25, 2009

President Rainbow Brite Sparkle Snuggle Pony chairs UN Security Council

President Obama (aka President Rainbow Brite Sparkle Snuggle Pony) addressed the UN Security Council yesterday on the very very imporant issue of Nuclear Weapons.
To summarize, her main bullet points are listed below:
1. Nuclear weapons are very very scary and bad, and we should not have them. We will get rid of ours first and then you guys won't be so scared and won't make any more.
2. We wuv kittens and ice cream!
3. Iran, don't be hatin
Don't you feel safer now?


Geroge Shultz whips your ass said...

Hmmm, didn't Ronnie Reagan preach the same thing - getting rid of all nuke weapons, hmmmmm, I think he did.

George Shultz was on all the news channels yesterday saying Ronnie would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but Reagan's idea of getting rid of the nukes was to drop them on the ruskies.
Go Ronnie, go!