Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mexican Standoff

How delicious is it to watch the Democrats wrangle with the Mexican Standoff they have just gotten themselves into.

With the Stupak ammendment (which disallows ANY private insurance bought on the "exchange" as part of the public "option" from being used to abortion) the Democrats were able to barely pass the House of Representatives.

Now it appears that shrill shrieking Marxists like Representative Wasserman-Schultz of Florida have realized that, if that ammendment stays in the Bill, their ultimate goal of putting all Private Health Insurance out of business (which is the ultimate goal of this so-called "reform" effort) will have an unitended consequence of essentially making all abortions in the country illegal.

Oh the delcious irony!  In order to socialize medicine they have to outlaw abortion.   In order to protect abortion they have to kill the public option and give up the dream of socializing medicine.  If the bill does not have a public option or outlaws abortion, the progressives will walk.  If the bill allows for federal funds to ever be allowed for abortions, Blue Dogs will walk, and if either group walks, the bill dies. 

 I think the odds of this bill passing just got a LOT worse over the weekend.

And the best part about it will be that it is the leftists that will kill it.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've got the soda and the popcorn ready!