Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get Involved!

Nothing gets politicians more worried than Voters, and Voters who write letters worry them more than Voters who do not.

Do your part and email or mail your Senator your thoughts on WHY they should oppose Health Care Reform. 

If you don't know how to contact your senator, here is a website that will guide you how to do it:


Being from Virginia, I wrote both my Senators and emailed them my thoughts.  It is best to keep things polite, short and professional.  Below is the text of my letter to Senator Webb.  Feel free to cut and paste and make it your own for your own Senator.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Honorable James Webb

144 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510-4604

Dear Senator Webb,

I writing to urge you to oppose efforts currently moving through the House of Representatives and the Senate to Nationalize our Healthcare system under the fig leaf of “so-called” reform. Our country since its founding has been based on the concept of the free-market system, and this system has allowed our nation to have the most advanced and prosperous country on the earth.

The Health Care bills that have been proposed are so monstrously ill-conceived that I and a majority of voters in Virginia believe they will essentially set our country on a path towards socialized medicine. The bills are so flawed as to have no merit for passage, and must be opposed entirely. Whether there is a public option or a trigger, the long-term effect will be the same, and that will be the destruction of the free-market in Health Care and the inevitable decline in quality and innovation that that destruction will bring forth.

The increased governmental regulation on every aspect of our lives is an affront to liberty. The regulations that this will impose on private individuals and small business will cripple and stifle our economy. The enormous costs involved in this proposed system, over a trillion dollars, and most likely to really be many times more that cost, will saddle future generations with unsustainable debt and enslave our children and grandchildren for generations.

The enormous power shift away from individuals and states to the federal government that these bills represent, make a mockery of the founding principles of our Republic. Being a Senator from the great Commonwealth of Virginia, and the home of James Madison, you should be particularly offended by this power grab that is an offense to the founders memory.

I urge you strongly to oppose Health Care reform in whatever form it emerges from conference. Very few votes you will make as a Senator will be more important, and there are legions of Virginians that will remember if you voted for the enlargement of the Federal Government over the wishes of your state, and will hold you accountable at the next election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big thumbs up!!!