Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In Memorium

Obamacare - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Cap & Trade - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Union Card Check - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Government Takeover of the Economy - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Stimulus 2 - 12/15/09 - 1/19/10
Immigration Reform - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Progressive Agenda - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10
Obama Presidency - 1/20/09 - 1/19/10

The delicious ironies that the election of a conservative Republican being elected to fill Ted Kennedy's seat specifically to KILL Kennedy's (and the Democratic Left's) signature issue for 40 years is TOO TOO much to discuss rationally.  This election is big, VERY BIG.  The judgement of history has now been rendered on the Progressive Movement, and they are now well on their way to being tossed onto the dustbin of history.

Perhaps this can be, in the words of President Obama, a "Teachable Moment".



Ray Bonis said...

Anyone else could have won that race, the Democratic candidate was just lousy. It's a wake up call that progressives need to be more clear in their message.

Obama will come back and win again in 2012. The only real thing going into the dustbin of history are people like you, the Pope's hat, and Republicans.

There was no gov't take over of the Economy - the bailout worked and now we are getting paid back with Interest - we're going to make money on that deal. Stimulus 2 (which is really 3) will pass, Immigration reform will pass with the help of John McCain, and the Progressive Agenda and the Obama Presidency will be around for 7 more years....

Anonymous said...

Those things that Obama loves already exist in his type of country paradise, it's called Cuba!
Obama should just go there where he will feel confortable, where the Castro brothers run the country as would like to run ours. And when they are both gone, he can take over and continue their brand of Communism that he admires so much.
Until then, leave our freedoms, free market economy, healthcare and guns alone! In other words, the things that make the America that he hates, the greatest country this world has, or will ever know.

Fr. J. said...

Great post, Paul. I only regret you haven't blogged through the past year. But, you basically nailed it (the rest of the year) in this post, anyway.

BTW, your ideas and humor are amazingly consistent through the years. That's a compliment!